We offer :
You can select your preferred shipping method during checkout. For more details, visit our Shipping Policy.
Shipping costs are calculated at checkout based on the delivery method and location.
Yes, we offer Free Shipping (6-10 working days). Choose this option at checkout.
Yes, we offer Free Shipping (3-5 working days). Choose this option at checkout.
Yes, after your order is shipped, you'll receive a tracking number to track your order.
Contact customer service, and we’ll help track or resolve the issue. contact
We offer a 14-day trial period. If you're not satisfied, return the item in its original packaging within 14 days for a full refund.
Contact customer service for instructions. Please return items in original packaging.
We currently offer refunds only. To get a different product, return the item and place a new order.
Contact customer service right away. We may request photos, and we'll help you return it for a refund or replacement.
Refunds are processed within 7 business days after the item is inspected.
You have 14 days from receiving your order to return it.
This page includes all the essential information, but if you can’t find what you were looking for, feel free to contact our support team using the details below.
You can manage your order through your account dashboard, as long as the order hasn't been processed or shipped.
Log into your account and update your address. If the order is already processed, please contact customer service.
Contact customer service immediately, and we’ll assist in correcting it if the order has not been processed.
If you need to update your billing details, please contact customer support immediately, and we'll try to assist you before the order is processed.
Orders can be cancelled within 24 hours of placing them through your account dashboard or by contacting customer service.
We offer eco-friendly products, focusing on cruelty-free, vegan, and sustainable beauty options.
We use recyclable packaging and are continuously working to reduce our environmental impact.
most of our packaging is recyclable. Please follow your local recycling guidelines.
Yes, all our products are cruelty-free. We ensure none of our beauty products are tested on animals.
We use minimal, recyclable packaging and are continuously working towards reducing plastic usage and increasing the use of sustainable materials.
While we don’t currently have a take-back scheme, we encourage customers to recycle our packaging according to local recycling guidelines.
Contact Beauty Essence team for any inquiries about our beauty innovation tools.
Doorstep delivery to most of the UK.
Safe money when ordering with us
No questions ask
Customer satisfaction No.1 priority
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